Dividend Comparison
Dividend Comparison: Analyze Claims & Payments Across Counterparties
Compare dividend claims and payment details with Dividend Comparison, which highlights breaking information between two counterparties.
Best Post-Trade Service Provider Globally
How It Works
Files are submitted by both counterparties
Claims are compared and discrepancies identified using a multi-step algorithm
Counterparties resolve breaks on the browser and messaging is sent back, which can automatically update a client’s proprietary system
Pre-advice functionality allows users to send claim payment details; alternatively, a client can send a one-sided file and the receiver can affirm the claim and payment details
Data delivery by browser entry, FTP or XLS file upload
Pre-advice offers payment instructions, which can be received by a firm’s proprietary system
Customizable tolerances by currency
Two-sided comparison or single file delivery with counterparty affirmation
Public and private comments to record notes on a break
Ages unresolved breaks prior to and post pay date
Reduces time spent manually reconciling & paying or making claims
History tab displays data from past runs
Get paid on time!
Unified Comparison
Unified Comparison is the nucleus for post-trade lifecycle management and a gateway into all the other PTS products available within EquiLend. By connecting to Unified Comparison, you will reduce downstream lifecycle noise and be positioned to adhere to future regulatory initiatives.