
Our Solutions

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NGT is a multi-asset class trading platform that increases trade-level transparency, improves workflow automation and generates efficiencies for the securities finance market.

Competitive Bid

EquiLend Competitive Bid is a new NGT workflow that combines NGT, post-trade and market-level data into a single location, giving insight into available inventory, demand, open contracts and market benchmarks.

ECS Loan Market

EquiLend Clearing Services operates the ECS Middle Office and the ECS Gateway, which offer services and connectivity to central counterparties (CCPs) around the globe.


Swaptimization is a technology solution designed to provide automation to global equity total return swap (TRS) trading workflow.

Post Trade

Risk Resolution Suite (R2S)

Includes the Recalls Notification, Returns Notification and Settlement Monitor services all in one place, designed to facilitate seamless connectivity, monitor intra-day risks and streamline data across all three global solutions within a single user interface.


The EquiLend Recalls UI, housed within the Risk Resolution Suite, provides an efficient, automated way for borrowers to send recall notifications.


The new EquiLend Returns UI, housed within the Risk Resolution Suite, is a complete workflow tool dedicated to initiating, tracking and simplifying clients’ Return notifications and bookings.

Settlement Monitor

A centralized, global fails management platform, dedicated to tracking, reconciling, and resolving pending and failed securities finance transactions.

EquiLend Exposure

Designed not only to help clients maximize their collateral but also streamline and enhance the underlying borrow/loan settlement process.

Unified Comparison

Flexible, automated workflow management—the nucleus for post-trade lifecycle management.

Mark-To-Market Comparison

Compare marks using customizable tolerances that can be adjusted based on collateral currency and mark amount.

Settlement Instructions Repository

Automated service for central storage of all settlement instructions.

Enhanced SSI Repository

Our enhanced SSI Repository aims to automate the SSI flow across the industry, accepting SSI inputs directly from the custodian or buy-side client.

Billing Delivery & Comparison

Allows clients to post electronic bills to all counterparties, whether or not they are an EquiLend client.

Dividend Comparison

Easily compare manufactured dividend claims and transmit pre-advice for agreement on payment and reconciliation terms.



Provides secure and timely transfer of principal loan data as well as a facility for approving underlying principals.


EquiLend offers a scalable, cost-effective, light-touch solution—the simplest solution in the market to meet the demands of SFTR.


Throughout the trading lifecycle, EquiLend offers a suite of services to assist clients in their CSDR regulatory obligations.

SEC Rule 10c-1a

The SEC’s final Rule 10c-1a is designed to provide investors, other market participants and regulators with access to loan rates and other material information regarding securities lending transactions in a timely manner. Repo transactions are out of scope.


EquiLend offers a true T+1 solution to connect, automate, simplify and expedite all elements of the trade lifecycle.

EquiLend Onboard+

EquiLend Onboard+ is the only end-to-end solution for the onboarding of beneficial owners in securities lending programs. The tool combines a secure platform for the exchange of sensitive customer information with a configurable dashboard that provides advanced fund analytics and onboarding progress tracking.

Data & Analytics


DataLend provides aggregated, anonymized, cleansed and standardized securities finance data covering all asset classes, regions and markets globally.


Orbisa offers buy-side market participants a view into securities lending market activity. Orbisa’s data set is curated from a premier trading platform and market data provider in the securities finance industry.

EquiLend Real-Time Data

EquiLend is excited to introduce EquiLend Real-Time Data, a new global securities finance data set showcasing live data updated throughout the trading day.

Client Performance Reporting

Robust performance reports with unparalleled insight into your securities lending program. Benefit from standardized performance measurement, flexible but DataLend-controlled peer groups and unique and exclusive data.

DataLend Portfolio

Whether you have a single- or multi-agent securities lending program, your single login to DataLend Portfolio will provide you with an aggregated view of your securities lending activity.

DataLend Consulting

DataLend is now offering reporting packages to complement our existing suite of analytical tools (Web-based interface, daily FTP files, Excel Add-In and API).

Trading Analytics​

Trading Analytics offers unparalleled insight into your NGT trading activity through an intuitive, simple-to-use Web portal. Easily access and analyze trade activity across your counterparties and your rank amongst all firms on NGT.

Securities Finance Platform

EquiLend Spire

Flexible, modular, customizable—a bespoke technology solution for all your securities finance business needs.

Fully Paid Lending Solution

EquiLend Spire's Fully Paid Lending Solution enables complete automation and management of an FPL program.

Direct Lending Solution

EquiLend’s Direct Lending Solution enables beneficial owners to manage their own securities lending programs in-house.



Our 1Source initiative aims to resolve central pain points and risks, develop state-of-the-art technological solutions and efficiently transform the securities finance industry.

EquiLend Solutions

View EquiLend’s brochure covering our full ecosystem of Trading, Post-Trade, Data & Analytics, RegTech and Platform Solutions for the securities finance industry.


Paul Lynch

Managing Director
Global Head of Products
+1 (212) 901-2281

Michael Norwood

Head of Trading Solutions
+1 (857) 800-9551

Kevin McNulty

Head of RegTech Solutions
+44 (0) 203 023 8394

Laura Allen

Head of Securities Finance Platform Solutions
+44 (0) 203 023 8393

Gabi Mantle

Head of Post-Trade Solutions
+44 203 023 8377

Nancy Allen

Managing Director Global Head of Data & Analytics Solutions
+1 (212) 901-2262