EquiLend Spire - Client Asset Lending
EquiLend Spire offers a comprehensive front-to-back platform for securities finance firms of all types to manage their entire business. Built on a modern microservice infrastructure, modules can be packaged to the client’s specifications, depending on their needs.
Working with large retail brokers, asset managers, private banks and wealth managers, EquiLend Spire identifies a new route to the securities lending market that doesn’t compromise profits and is scalable to future business plans. From the outset EquiLend takes a partnership approach, helping clients with their business case for securities lending – Spire runs the portfolio of assets through its portfolio performance evaluator, outlining the untapped revenue that could have been generated if the portfolio were opted into securities lending in the previous year.
EquiLend Spire Overview
EquiLend Spire - Client Asset Lending

Cost Effective
EquiLend aims to reduce the burden of starting to lend assets, and as such offers flexibility on pricing.

The Client Asset Lending Module is a small component of a much larger offering. As more functionality is required, modules can be switched on and implemented.

Fully Hosted
SaaS Solution hosted via the Equinix data centre network

Support Model
Leverages EquiLend’s global support model; 24×7

Continued Adoption
The EquiLend Spire platform has continuous adoption globally, by new entrants to the securities lending industry as well as migrations from other providers.
How Client Asset Lending Module Works

Aggregation and Allocation
EquiLend Spire acts as an aggregator and allocator, distributing availability to a chosen Agent Lender and fairly allocating loans, collateral, and revenue using a regulatory compliant algorithm.

User Interface and Management
It features an intuitive UI for monitoring inventory, applying restrictions, viewing loan details, and tracking activities that affect loan economics.

Collateral and Reporting
Provides tools to manage collateral, define revenue sharing, and includes a comprehensive reporting suite to integrate data into internal systems.

Role of An Agent Lender
With Spire as the technology enabling access to a Lenders program, the chosen lender will manage the street side negotiations on your behalf, specialising in maximising the utilization and revenue of the portfolios.
- Contracting Entity
- Responsible for license fees
- Implementation participant
- Source of Account Static
- Source of CAL Availability & Pending trades
- Recipient of loan, income & collateral allocations and reporting.
- Revenue distribution
EquiLend Spire
- System provider & support
- Implementation driver
- CAL availability aggregator
- Pass through mechanism of aggregated availability
- Loan allocation engine
- Distributor of loan, income and collateral allocations back to CAL Client
- Reporting
Agent Lender
- Lender on behalf of CAL Client
- Implementation participant
- Recipient of aggregated Client’s CAL availability
- Street side loan negotiation, execution, and management
- Downstream processing of street side loans
- Distributor of street side loan, income & collateral details back to Spire
Data Requirements and How the Data is Used

Account Static
Underlying client Account IDs can be provided and mapped anonymized or un-anonymized. Spire can also act as a tool to assist in prioritising accounts to be opted in (if both opted-IN and opted-OUT accounts are loaded).

SOD Position File
With the holdings of each underlying client, EquiLend Spire aggregates into one available to lend figure per security. Restrictions can be setup prior to passing availability to the Lender.

Intraday Sales
Ingesting sales, when a loan is allocated to the seller, the loan can fairly be re-allocated to other clients before a recall is issued. If there is not sufficient inventory to cover the sale, a notice will be passed to the lender to recall the shares.
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